A weekly reminder to enjoy life and the fruits of your labor

It's finally Friday. The weekend is officially here and you should be proud of yourself. You made it! Gold star for you....and for me. As a teacher, I can't wait until 3:45pm on a Friday. It's like nothing you've ever experienced before. I shove the last crazy freshman out of the door as I hear the last few stragglers playing tag in the halls and running down the stairs. I close my door, kick off my heels, and turn up the music while I disinfect my classroom for the upcoming week.
I must say that this was not always the case. I would run out of the door with the students and save my chores for early Monday morning. Unfortunately, due to COVID, you can't leave cleaning your classroom to chance. So I created a cleaning playlist (Feel Good Friday) to help me expedite the process and get me on the road for two days of rest and relaxation. I've included my playlist in a link above and screenshots below. I have very eclectic taste so my music ranges from hip hop to hard rock. However, the playlist really depends on the flow of the day. Were my classes crazy? Were they chill? Were they engaged? All of these things play a factor in how I select my playlist.
What music do you like to listen to on Fridays? What tunes get you in the mood to let down your hair and take in some quality time alone or with friends and family? Whatever music you choose to rock out to, just remember that it's all about you and what makes you feel good on a Friday. Have a great weekend and suggest some new music I can add to my playlists.
